Corporate Head Shots | Charlotte, North Carolina |
We all know by now the moment that recruiter glances at our resumes, we've already been stalked on LinkedIn. A professional and well-done head-shot is a must at having on these inescapable social networks. Our LinkedIn pages make our first impressions for us, and there's no way around it. Getting your business head shots professionally done is the next step in getting that job you want!
If your LinkedIn photo is showcasing that great tan of yours at the beach, or if you had to crop a Miller Lite out from your hand, maybe you should consider getting some professional photos taken. It doesn't matter that you're in a suit, bro. You're at your buddy's wedding and more than likely look like your half in the bag. Just because you look pretty, doesn't mean it's acceptable for the business world.
Dave here took the plunge and decided to beef up his business portfolio here in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Dave is smart and business savvy. Be like Dave.